Mai Nguyen
Host: OneJustice
Sponsor: AmeriCorps, OneJustice
Home to the 2nd largest population of veterans in the state, Rochester has many resources to serve them. However, veterans in the outlying counties often need legal aid service but may not have adequate information or transportation to a local VA. Jennifer’s project focused on creating a pro bono partnership with the international law firm, Nixon Peabody and attorneys at Xerox Corp. Jennifer also worked on opening a LawNY office at the Canandaigua VA where she conducted intake of potential clients and refer them to pro bono attorneys. The purpose of having an office on-site is based on the “medical-legal model” of treating the patient holistically and providing all resources in one place.
Jennifer is an associate in Boylan Code’s Commercial Lending and Real Estate Group with a concentration on lending, commercial and residential real estate sales and acquisitions. She also leads the Charter School Law Practice Group.
Being an Equal Justice Fellow has been one of my most rewarding experiences thus far. I wanted to get out and really help people – that's how I came across this Fellowship.
Jennifer Aronson /
2013 Equal Justice Works Fellow
Host: OneJustice
Sponsor: AmeriCorps, OneJustice
Host: Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc.
Sponsor: AmeriCorps, Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc.
Host: Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc
Sponsor: AmeriCorps, Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc.
Host: Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
Sponsor: AmeriCorps, OneJustice