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For many law school graduates, student debt is the single largest barrier to pursuing a career in public interest law. View our Student Debt Resources to learn more about managing your debt load.
The federal government has declared the opioid crisis a nationwide public health emergency. It is well recognized that the Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) epidemic cannot be addressed without multi-disciplinary interventions, and lawyers play a critical role in the fight to overcome this public health emergency. Lawyers can decrease barriers to treatment and recovery and improve health outcomes by advocating for the rights of clients to have stable housing, receive financial and medical benefits they are entitled to, and to help keep families safe and together. Lawyers can also collaborate with and educate the community, the justice system, administrative agencies, and social services about cross-system legal impacts to mitigate legal barriers to successful recovery and while leading the charge to systemic change.
The Equal Justice Works Opioid Crisis Response Program mobilizes lawyers (Attorney Fellows) to provide education and direct civil legal services to OUD-affected communities in need of legal services. This program focuses on removing legal barriers and providing access to wraparound services and treatment for OUD clients in underserved communities.
Fellows will serve for two years beginning no earlier than September 1, 2024, and ending no later than 24 months from the agreed upon start date.
Through the Opioid Crisis Response Program, we can [...] help promote recovery and stability for individuals, families, and communities.Verna Williams
CEO, Equal Justice Works
Have questions or interested in funding?
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The Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE) today announced it is awarding a grant of $1,361,005 over 30 months to Equal Justice Works to launch a national Opioid Crisis Response Legal Fellowship Program that will address the legal consequences of the opioid crisis. The program will provide intensive education on opioid crisis-related issues to a cohort of early career lawyers who will provide free legal representation to low-income individuals and families affected by the opioid and overdose crisis.
For many law school graduates, student debt is the single largest barrier to pursuing a career in public interest law. View our Student Debt Resources to learn more about managing your debt load.